Erik Schreiber
Erik Schreiber

CERtified Personal Trainer
Functional Medicine Nutrition practitioner

Owner / Operator

Erik Schreiber

Erik is a certified NASM Master Practitioner, ISSA Master Trainer and theowner/founder of CustomFit360. He is currently working towards his Masters inExercise Science and is the creator of his own certification course, The SixPillar Approach to Fitness, Fat Loss and Function (currently in BETA mode!).Erik is a former Division 1A college athlete and is a certified FitnessProfessional by four governing bodies: NASM, NESTA, NCSA and NCSF. He holdsmultiple specializations including senior fitness, weight loss and humanperformance as well as NASM Nutrition Coach. With over 15 years of experiencein the fitness industry, Erik’s unique diversity in his training methodsprimarily focuses on functional training techniques to maximize results. Erikloves to share his belief that everyone can live a healthier more fulfillinglife through exercise, mindfulness and healthy eating patterns.

“Functional Training” is classifiedas an exercise which trains the body for activities performed in daily life andcan be modified for all levels of fitness abilities. With clients ranging frombeginner to advanced, Erik’s ability to create personalized programs for eachclient has been met with great success.